Andy R. Bobyarchick

Andy Bobyarchick

Associate Professor of Earth Sciences
Geography and Earth Sciences


Andy Bobyarchick teaches applied geophysics at UNC Charlotte. His long-term research interests include the tectonics and regional geology of the Southern Appalachian Mountains, particularly within the eastern crystalline core of the chain.

For several years, he has taught an intense, hands-on summer institute for in-service K-12 schoolteachers. This field- and lab-based course is oriented on content and experience. He is also actively involved in developing online physical geology courses for non-science majors or teachers through UNC Charlotte and through the UNC general administration.

Bobyarchick received a Ph.D. in Geological Sciences from SUNY Albany. A former research scientist at the U.S. Geological Survey, he is a member of the Geological Society of America, Carolina Geological Society, American Geophysical Union, Association of Environmental and Environmental Geologists and Sigma Xi.

Highest Degree:


Highest Degree Institution:

State University of New York at Albany


College of Liberal Arts & Sciences