Daniel Andrew Janies

Daniel Janies

Carol Grotnes Belk Distinguished Professor of Bioinformatics and Genomics and Co-director of the Center for Computational Intelligence to Predict Public Health Risks (CIPHER)
Bioinformatics and Genomics and Visualization Center


In 2012, Daniel Janies joined the faculty of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte as The Carol Grotnes Belk Distinguished Professor of Bioinformatics and Genomics. Janies serves as the co-Director of Computational Intelligence to Predict Health and Environmental Risks (CIPHER). He has also served as director of the Ribarsky Center for Visual Analytics.

Janies received a Bachelor of Sciences degree in Biology from the University of Michigan in 1988 and a Ph.D. in Zoology from the University of Florida in 1995. Janies worked as a postdoctoral fellow (1996 – 1999) and a principal investigator (2000-2002) at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City where he led a team that, using off-the-shelf PC components, built one of the worlds largest computing clusters in 2001. Most recently, he was a tenured faculty member in the College of Medicine at the Ohio State University. Janies has served as a national principal investigator in the Tree of Life program of the National Science Foundation. He awards include DoD sponsored work to understand the spread of pathogens. He originated the field of mapping pathogen genetic data in concert with geography and host animals. Janies has advised the White House, the Pentagon, the Interagency Risk Assessment Consortium, and testified to both Houses of Congress on emerging infectious diseases.

Media Assets Available

Video: Dr. Janies discussing with colleagues

Highest Degree:


Highest Degree Institution:

University of Florida


College of Computing and Informatics