Eric S. Heberlig

Eric Heberlig

Political Science


Eric S. Heberlig, (Ph.D., The Ohio State University), is professor in the Department of Political Science and Public Administration. He is co-author of “Congressional Parties, Institutional Ambition, and the Financing of Majority Control,” which won the 2014 D.B. Hardeman Prize for the best book on the U.S. Congress. His other works include “American Cities and the Politics of Party Conventions; How Government Got in Your Backyard,” “American Labor Unions in the Electoral Arena” and “Classics in Congressional Politics.” Also, he has published numerous articles on the politics of Congress, interest groups, elections and campaign finance. He served as a Congressional Fellow of the American Political Science Association in the 105th Congress. He was co-chair of the University’s programming for the 2012 Democratic National Convention and is the co-chair for the 2020 Republican National Convention.

Media Assets Available

Video: Dr. Heberlig speaking at Center City
Photo: Dr. Heberlig gives interview to media

Highest Degree:


Highest Degree Institution:

Ohio State University


College of Liberal Arts & Sciences